Preparing Uzbekistan to implement the WTO Agreements

04.09.2020 681

The International Trade Centre organized a three-day intensive virtual workshop on the principles and provisions of the WTO Agreements on Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) and Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures (SPS) from 11 to 13 August for high-level cadre of the relevant institutions in Uzbekistan.

This event brought together senior officers of Uzstandard, Ministry of Investments and Foreign Trade, Ministry of Justice, Ministry of Health, State Committee for Veterinary Medicine and Livestock Development, State Inspection on Plant Quarantine, and State Customs Committee.

The workshop not only helped in improving the understanding of the two WTO Agreements, but also shared knowledge on the good practices for implementation of these two Agreements. This was made possible through effective interaction with the participants and practical exercises.

Preparedness to implement these Agreements will pave the way for Uzbekistan to become a member of the WTO.

Mr. Batir Allaev, the Deputy Head of International Cooperation at Uzstandard said this workshop was highly beneficial for those involved in dealing with WTO Agreements in Uzbekistan. He also said that it had provided a great opportunity not only to learn the principles and provisions of the related Agreements, but also to get a better understanding of the most critical TBT and SPS issues related to international trade.

It was agreed that the International Trade Centre  would continue to support the review of the evolving national legislation related to standardization, technical regulations, conformity assessment and SPS measures. ITC would also provide some support to strengthen the related institutions in line with best practices.

This workshop was organized under the project 'Facilitating Uzbekistan`s Accession to the WTO' which  is a five-year initiative funded by the European Union (EU) and implemented by ITC.

The project aims to support Uzbekistan's development plans
to modernize its economy through leveraging the process of country`s accession to the WTO.



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