
Welcome to the very first edition of our Newsletter dedicated to the European Union (EU) 'Facilitating the process of Uzbekistan's accession to the WTO' project implemented by the International Trade Centre (ITC). Our project aims to support Uzbekistan's development plans to modernize its economy by leveraging its World Trade Organization accession process.
Through this newsletter, you will learn all about our objectives, progress and achievements. In particular, with our first issue, you will learn about all there is to know about the genesis of our project, its rationale, and its objectives. We will also tell you all about the activities already underway and present to you our accomplishments so far. Our newsletter is available in 3 languages: English, Russian and Uzbek.

Current status of ongoing accession negotiations can be found here >

Seventeenth edition (October–December 2024)

Sixteenth edition (July–September 2024)

Fifteenth edition (April–June 2024)

Fourheenth edition (January–March 2024)

Thirteenth edition (October–December 2023)

Twelfth edition (July–September 2023)

Eleventh edition (April – June 2023)

Tenth edition (January – March 2023)

Ninth edition (October – December 2022)

Eighth edition (July– September 2022)

Seventh edition (April – June 2022)

Sixth edition (January – March 2022)

Fifth edition (October – December 2021)

Fourth edition (July – September 2021)

Third edition (April – June 2021)

Second edition (January – March 2021)

First edition (October – December 2020)


The ITC newsletters keep you up-to-date on events, trainings, and news on trade-related matters and are sent out once a month.

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